
Release! LightWave available now! Free Demo! PC and macOS

Be the first one to get your hands on the game, give feedback and shape development with an early bird discount on Steam and Humble Bundle and itch.io this week only!

You can download the demo from either Steam or itch.io if you would like to see what the game is like before supporting development.

Get LightWave on Steam:

Or if you prefer, get the game through Humble Bundle:

Or even itch.io:

LightWave Itch Page is live!

While the game is in Early Access, the demo builds will be available on itch.io as well as on Steam. When the game fully releases, the game will be available for purchase on itch.io. If there is a strong demand that the Early Access version of the game be available on itch.io we may reconsider, but for now this seems like a more efficient compromise.

LightWave Art Showcase 4 – Experimental directions for Tiles and Character

In the last art showcase we were experimenting with a 64 bit character animation and various tile sprite packs for level creation. While it would lead to some interesting and detailed background, the bigger character and more complex designs didn’t quite match the direction desired for LightWave. With an individual dev doing art, sound and programming, creating beautiful backdrops and complex level designs aren’t a good fit with a short desired timeline.