Release! LightWave available now! Free Demo! PC and macOS

Be the first one to get your hands on the game, give feedback and shape development with an early bird discount on Steam and Humble Bundle and this week only! You can download the demo from either Steam or if you would like to see what the game is like before supporting development. …

LightWave Feature Showcase 2 – Redone Dash Mechanic

There are plenty of amazing platformers out there, each with a unique and sometimes similar movement systems. We have experimented with a few different styles, and felt that the previous dash, which simply gave you a speed boost in the direction you were facing, was quite limiting in that it didn’t add much to the …

LightWave Feature Showcase 1 – Multiplayer 101

Here is a quick demonstration of the basic concept for multiplayer. There is a player join screen where each player can select a unique color. When loaded into the game, the player retains their color and can move independently using the assigned controller. It can even show you what kind of controller the player is …